Guided Meditation for Sleep


Having trouble falling asleep because your mind is going round n’ round?

Getting enough good quality sleep is ESSENTIAL to cultivate a calm, focused mind and enough energy to get through your day with ease rather than struggle (and caffeine!)…but if you’re suffering from stress or anxiety, it can be really hard to switch off the “fight/flight response” to allow your body and mind to relax enough to actually drift off into a nice, deep sleep.

This is where meditation comes in! Meditation has been scientifically proven to switch off the stress response and activate the relaxation response, so doing a short guided meditation before bed is a great way to gently unwind and drift off easily rather than toss and turn and ruminate on a thousand different thoughts.

Try this short guided meditation before bed tonight and let me know in the comments the next morning how it went for you!

Sweet dreams!

(Got a friend or a family member having trouble sleeping? Help them out and share this with them too!)






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Guided Meditation for Sleep


Having trouble falling asleep because your mind is going round n’ round?

Getting enough good quality sleep is ESSENTIAL to cultivate a calm, focused mind and enough energy to get through your day with ease rather than struggle (and caffeine!)…but if you’re suffering from stress or anxiety, it can be really hard to switch off the “fight/flight response” to allow your body and mind to relax enough to actually drift off into a nice, deep sleep.

This is where meditation comes in! Meditation has been scientifically proven to switch off the stress response and activate the relaxation response, so doing a short guided meditation before bed is a great way to gently unwind and drift off easily rather than toss and turn and ruminate on a thousand different thoughts.

Try this short guided meditation before bed tonight and let me know in the comments the next morning how it went for you!

Sweet dreams!

(Got a friend or a family member having trouble sleeping? Help them out and share this with them too!)






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anxiety natural treatment

Guided Meditation for Sleep


Having trouble falling asleep because your mind is going round n’ round?

Getting enough good quality sleep is ESSENTIAL to cultivate a calm, focused mind and enough energy to get through your day with ease rather than struggle (and caffeine!)…but if you’re suffering from stress or anxiety, it can be really hard to switch off the “fight/flight response” to allow your body and mind to relax enough to actually drift off into a nice, deep sleep.

This is where meditation comes in! Meditation has been scientifically proven to switch off the stress response and activate the relaxation response, so doing a short guided meditation before bed is a great way to gently unwind and drift off easily rather than toss and turn and ruminate on a thousand different thoughts.

Try this short guided meditation before bed tonight and let me know in the comments the next morning how it went for you!

Sweet dreams!

(Got a friend or a family member having trouble sleeping? Help them out and share this with them too!)






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