2 Nutrient Deficiencies Linked to Panic Attacks


I’ve suffered from panic attacks before, and can tell you they’re AWWWWWFUL!!!! Terrifying too, when you are already feeling panicked!

So I know how desperate sufferers can be to get rid of them once and for all.

While there are things that can certainly help in the moment if you’re suffering from them, if it’s something that’s occuring frequently, it’s important to look to what could be the underlying cause(s), of which there can be many, including nutrient deficiencies.

While several key nutrients are essential to good mental health, there are two in particular that studies (1, 2) have shown deficiencies in are linked to both panic attacks and hyperventilation attacks. These two nutrients are IRON and Vitamin B6.


First of all, it’s important to realise that panic attacks and hyperventilation attacks are serotonin-related psychiatric disorders. Vitamin B6 and iron (as well as B2 and B12, which are less commonly deficient) are involved in the synthesis of serotonin in the brain.

As well as serotonin, the dopaminergic  and GABA systems are other neurotransmitter systems that are involved in anxiety and iron is essential to regulate these as well.

Other studies have shown iron is essential for behavioural organisation and that infants with low iron display more fearfulness.

Many people take magnesium for anxiety with good results, but one study also showed that adding vitamin B6 to magnesium is more effective for shifting the body out of a fight or flight stress reponse. Vitamin B6 is also helpful in depression, especially hormone-related depression in women.


As part of the work-up for each of my mental health patients, I refer to GPs for blood tests that can be very helpful. Iron is always included on the list, as well as some other key nutrients and many other general markers that can provide clues as to why a patient is experiencing mood disorders. While I don’t usually test for B6, I do go through all of the deficiency symptoms with each client to see if it is a potential factor in their symptoms. If you’d like a complimentary intro naturopathic consultation to assess what could be contributing to your panic attacks, scehdule one here, I’d love to assist you!


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2 Nutrient Deficiencies Linked to Panic Attacks


I’ve suffered from panic attacks before, and can tell you they’re AWWWWWFUL!!!! Terrifying too, when you are already feeling panicked!

So I know how desperate sufferers can be to get rid of them once and for all.

While there are things that can certainly help in the moment if you’re suffering from them, if it’s something that’s occuring frequently, it’s important to look to what could be the underlying cause(s), of which there can be many, including nutrient deficiencies.

While several key nutrients are essential to good mental health, there are two in particular that studies (1, 2) have shown deficiencies in are linked to both panic attacks and hyperventilation attacks. These two nutrients are IRON and Vitamin B6.


First of all, it’s important to realise that panic attacks and hyperventilation attacks are serotonin-related psychiatric disorders. Vitamin B6 and iron (as well as B2 and B12, which are less commonly deficient) are involved in the synthesis of serotonin in the brain.

As well as serotonin, the dopaminergic  and GABA systems are other neurotransmitter systems that are involved in anxiety and iron is essential to regulate these as well.

Other studies have shown iron is essential for behavioural organisation and that infants with low iron display more fearfulness.

Many people take magnesium for anxiety with good results, but one study also showed that adding vitamin B6 to magnesium is more effective for shifting the body out of a fight or flight stress reponse. Vitamin B6 is also helpful in depression, especially hormone-related depression in women.


As part of the work-up for each of my mental health patients, I refer to GPs for blood tests that can be very helpful. Iron is always included on the list, as well as some other key nutrients and many other general markers that can provide clues as to why a patient is experiencing mood disorders. While I don’t usually test for B6, I do go through all of the deficiency symptoms with each client to see if it is a potential factor in their symptoms. If you’d like a complimentary intro naturopathic consultation to assess what could be contributing to your panic attacks, scehdule one here, I’d love to assist you!


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anxiety natural treatment

2 Nutrient Deficiencies Linked to Panic Attacks


I’ve suffered from panic attacks before, and can tell you they’re AWWWWWFUL!!!! Terrifying too, when you are already feeling panicked!

So I know how desperate sufferers can be to get rid of them once and for all.

While there are things that can certainly help in the moment if you’re suffering from them, if it’s something that’s occuring frequently, it’s important to look to what could be the underlying cause(s), of which there can be many, including nutrient deficiencies.

While several key nutrients are essential to good mental health, there are two in particular that studies (1, 2) have shown deficiencies in are linked to both panic attacks and hyperventilation attacks. These two nutrients are IRON and Vitamin B6.


First of all, it’s important to realise that panic attacks and hyperventilation attacks are serotonin-related psychiatric disorders. Vitamin B6 and iron (as well as B2 and B12, which are less commonly deficient) are involved in the synthesis of serotonin in the brain.

As well as serotonin, the dopaminergic  and GABA systems are other neurotransmitter systems that are involved in anxiety and iron is essential to regulate these as well.

Other studies have shown iron is essential for behavioural organisation and that infants with low iron display more fearfulness.

Many people take magnesium for anxiety with good results, but one study also showed that adding vitamin B6 to magnesium is more effective for shifting the body out of a fight or flight stress reponse. Vitamin B6 is also helpful in depression, especially hormone-related depression in women.


As part of the work-up for each of my mental health patients, I refer to GPs for blood tests that can be very helpful. Iron is always included on the list, as well as some other key nutrients and many other general markers that can provide clues as to why a patient is experiencing mood disorders. While I don’t usually test for B6, I do go through all of the deficiency symptoms with each client to see if it is a potential factor in their symptoms. If you’d like a complimentary intro naturopathic consultation to assess what could be contributing to your panic attacks, scehdule one here, I’d love to assist you!


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